Extended DISC Certification


The Extended DISC test certification is for those who want a useful HR tool that in 2 days of training or 5 x 2 hours of online DISC certification gives you an increased understanding of other people and a better use of resources in your organisation. The aim is to strengthen your own and your organisation's HR competencies through interpreting personality analyses, behavioural traits from the individual behavioural styles in DISC, and how to communicate with them most effectively.

With our DISC test certification, you will be trained in interpreting the different DISC personality types, their driving force and behavioural traits, and how to best communicate to the different personality types. In the DISC certification, we will also focus on the different personality types' energy consumption and sense of pressure as well as the right questions to ask the person based on their natural and conscious behaviour.

The DISC certification will take into account which future application areas you wish to use DISC in. You will also receive personal feedback on your own DISC test analysis, which can help give you increased self-awareness and greater understanding of the different personality types in DISC.

Som certificeret bruger af Extended DISC personanalyse får du adgang til 85 forskellige rapporter til både rekruttering, onboarding, MUS-samtaler, udvikling af medarbejdere og Teams som du frit kan vælge mellem.

Ofte kaldes en DISC analyse også for en DISC Test eller en DISC Profil – hos HR Solutions kalder vi det en DISC Analyse, da vi bestemt ikke ser det som en Test af en person.

What is an extended DISC certification?

DISC is a testing tool for creating personal profiles and analysing the behavioural style of different types of people. DISC provides insight and understanding of people's conscious and unconscious behaviour in different situations, their strengths, and what motivates, pressures and stresses them.

Extended DISC is a tool you can use to develop your organisation's well-being and motivation through greater insight into your own and your employees' behaviour. The tool can also be used in the recruitment process to select the right employee and minimise the chance of hiring the wrong person.

With a DISC test certification, you get an overview of both the natural and adapted behaviour of the different DISC personality types in specific situations. You will also gain greater self-awareness of your own personality type and an increased understanding of other people. You will learn how to interpret and give feedback on the Extended DISC profile to the analysed person and recognise the behavioural traits that characterise the individual behavioural styles. This can be used to streamline recruitment, target communication within the organisation and improve the use of resources.

Extended DISC

We also offer virtual certification


When you choose virtual certification, it offers you and your organisation the following benefits:

✓ Opportunity to get certified at your workplace
✓ Less wasted time
✓ Reduced travel costs
✓ Avoid overnight stays out
✓ Be able to complete the certification module split instead of consecutive days
✓ Flexibility in terms of which sessions you are able to attend. However, you are only certified once you have completed all 5 sessions.

With a virtual certification, you don't complete exactly the same as in a normal certification. The certification is customised to be completed online with the benefits and limitations of virtual.

Throughout the certification, you will be given individual and group assignments as well as complete a wide range of interpretations and feedback on profiles.

Prior to the training, I received clear guidance on how to use the HR Solutions platform and a clear structure for the training days.

So it was easy for me to "get on", and even if it wasn't with a physical hand outstretched at the door, the teacher (Kurt) "stood" ready to greet me right away.

The framework for the days and guidelines for the format of the digital platform were reviewed and after that, I have to say that I hardly wondered why I was sitting at home in the office and the others around Denmark.

The training was dialogue-based and there were good opportunities to talk both as a student and with the teacher.

There were short breaks every hour, allowing you to stretch your legs, get coffee AND shake your digital brain.

I experienced a rewarding interaction between dialogue, presentations and even chatting all the way through.

Kurt and HR Solutions get my highest recommendations.

Mikkel Brander - Secondary school principal

What can a DISC certification be used for

DISC is a popular and effective tool used by many companies and organisations to create a greater understanding of other people and to strengthen the workplace by improving and developing communication, well-being and motivation among employees.

Extended DISC certification (basic) can therefore also be used in a wide range of different areas such as:

  • Customer service training
  • Conflict management
  • Coaching
  • Organisational development
  • Training in communication and understanding people
  • Customer analyses
  • Job analyses

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    The process of a DISC certification

    Extended DISC is used by managers, internal HR staff and external consultants alike. Our flexible report options make it possible to pull exactly the report that suits your needs. This way, you can be sure that the DISC report fits the application areas you want to use DISC for.

    The DISC test certification focuses on making everyone feel welcome and ready to contribute with relevant experiences and in-depth questions. That's why our teams are limited to a maximum of 8 people to maintain the presence and contact so that everyone gets the chance to be heard.

    In addition to certification in Extended DISC personal analysis, we also offer certification in Extended DISC Advanced, Extended DISC Team and Extended DISC Advanced Team.

    The DISC certification process consists of 3 steps, where only the last step is different in the virtual part:

    Step 1: E-learning course

    The e-learning course consists of 3 modules + 1 test. The modules are divided into lessons with exercises in between. The final test must be passed before the certification days. The e-learning course can be completed at your own pace, so you can log in and out as many times as you like.

    Step 2: Person analysis

    Before the DISC certification days, you must complete a persona analysis yourself and have three "rabbits" to complete. The analyses will be used practically in a number of different contexts - including recruitment, feedback and development.

    Step 3: The certification days

    The DISC certification days will focus on the theory behind Extended DISC, which enables you to interpret person analyses and provide feedback to the analysed person. The certification days end with a feedback, which you must complete with satisfactory results in accordance with our code of ethics.

    Step 3: Virtual

    Content of module 1: Introduction of the participants and review of the certification

    Content on module 2: Interpreting the profiles

    Content on module 3: "Rabbit interpretation" and exercises

    Module 4 contentStress indicator

    Content of module 5: Final test with feedback

    "I completed the Extended DISC course over 2 days in April 2020, it was a great setup with the initial E-learning before the course with mandatory tests, so you were completely ready to go for the course.

    The course was conducted virtually, which worked perfectly. We were a small group, so there was plenty of development dialogue and sparring between the teacher and the course participants, which meant that you had the opportunity, especially through the practical exercises, to get the practice under your skin, and got a good platform to use the acquired knowledge afterwards in your work with DISC."

    Lars Frank-Larsen, Outreach Partner - University of Southern Denmark

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      HR Solutions

      If you want to know more about our solutions or need help, contact us! We are ready to help you and advise you on which solutions are best for your organisation. You'll hear from us within 24 hours on weekdays.

      Hr Solutions A/S

      Østergade 4, 2nd floor

      8370 Hadsten


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