Good recruitment - What is it?

Let us support your recruitment

First of all, it is important to understand that the following is only based on a behavioural analysis and a business test. It is not about a new report or payment for each one.

Before the phase:

Here you have a dialogue with the hiring manager about the requirements for the position, where we recommend preparing a job profile/analysis on the job. In addition, you may want to set up the job in the HRM-Nordic recruitment modeIn and post it online on the job boards of your choice.

During the phase:

This is where you start the dialogue with the different candidates, where you also test them - possibly both on behaviour and the person's cognitive abilities. You should also prepare a candidate report, as well as a large recruitment report to the recruiter. The result of the cognitive test is prepared for both the candidate and the recruiter (note that these are two different versions).

After the phase:

When hiring, we recommend that you create a onboarding profile as well as a hiring manager report. These give the manager knowledge about the person's motivation and what areas are important in the onboarding phase to ensure the best possible start for the new employee.

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