Situational leadership

There is no simple formula for what it takes to be a good leader. What we do know is that no two people should be approached in the same way and have the same readiness for a given task.

Situational leadership is an effective management tool to adapt your communication and management style depending on the situation and the competence level of the recipient.

The Situational Leadership® Model is undoubtedly one of the most recognised and effective leadership tools in the behavioural sciences.

Modellen er udviklet af Dr. Paul Hersey i slutningen af 1960’erne, og betragtes som en af de mest anerkendte ledelsesværktøjer i verden, og den første af sin slags som sammensmeltede både studier fra ledelse og motivation.Situationsbestemt Ledelse hjælper hver dag ledere og medarbejdere på alle niveauer til at højne motivation og produktivitet, igennem et fælles sprog og en tilpasset ledelsesstil.

"It isn't how I behave with that person. It's how I behave with that person, in reference to that person doing a specific activity"

- Dr Paul Hersey

Situationsbestemt Ledelse Modellen

The Situational Leadership Model is a powerful yet flexible tool that streamlines the way leaders, salespeople, coaches and employees influence others. The Situational Leadership Model is based on the relationship between the leader and the receiver and serves as an analytical tool to assess each situation based on:

  • The amount of guidance and direction provided by the manager
  • The amount of socio-emotional support the manager should offer
  • The level of competence/ readiness the recipient has to perform a specific action

By keeping this trade-off in mind, the chances of the recipient receiving a message or task in an optimal way are increased. This strengthens both motivation and the feeling of being able to cope with the task that a person or group is faced with.

The model has a wide range of applications and can be used in all contexts where it is essential to motivate and deliver messages in an optimal way in relation to the recipient and the given situation.

Get trained in Situational Leadership

More than 1 million people are trained in Situational Leadership worldwide - should you be one of them?

We offer 2 unique programmes in Situational Leadership, both of which aim to develop leadership skills and effectively adapt your leadership style to the situation and target group.

Situational Leadership
The training programme

This intensive 2-day programme is for you if you want to improve your leadership skills and be more successful in adapting your communication to the audience. the recipient in a given situation.

You'll join a proven leadership training programme where you'll gain insights into Situational Leadership and how it can be used effectively in everyday life.

In the programme, you will also get a 360 degree leadership behaviour analysiswhich highlights both strengths and areas for development.

Situational Leadership - The Trainer Programme

For those with management or coaching experience who want to take the next step up the training path.

The trainer programme provides the opportunity to teach others in Situational Leadership.

You'll receive a thorough training programme focusing on presentation techniques and adapting to different target groups, among other things.

You will go through an exciting programme with theoretical presentations, many practical exercises, spiced up with video clips and games.

Want to know more?

If you want to know more about our solutions or need help, contact us! We are ready to help you and advise you on which solutions are best for your organisation. You'll hear from us within 24 hours on weekdays. 
