By request, we have chosen to provide feedback on one profile each month. The first one is selected from one of the latest certification courses. If you would like one of your profiles commented anonymously, please contact us.

The profile of the month looks like this:

This profile has been created for a recruitment situation.

We use the person's natural behaviour to match them to the new job.

The person focussed on their current job when completing the survey, which could give an indicator of why they are looking to leave their current job.

In their current job, the person experiences greater speed and more changes/adaptations in everyday life than the natural behaviour wants.

The diagnosis (right) also shows that the reason for the adjustment is due to expectations/pressure from the job - so the person is probably looking to leave their old job.

Profile II - Natural behaviour

Shape: SCI profile

Size: Normal

Location: Normal

Profile I - conscious behaviour

Form: ID

Size: Normal

Location: Normal

Customisation: from II to I

S and C behaviour is not visible in conscious behaviour

I and D behaviour is more required/visible in conscious behaviour

S-walk: (the difference between S-behaviour in profile II and I. The person experiences a change from a desire for stability to a need for greater adaptation/change.

The reason for the adjustment is due to expectations or pressure from work.


For more information and inspiration about DISC personality analysis and how it can be used in your organisation click here


