Løft dine kompetencer med bl.a. Extended DISC, teamudvikling, APV og meget mere

Vi samarbejder med ambitiøse virksomheder og konsulenter.

Vi tilpasser altid ønskede HR løsninger, så de kan skabe effektive resultater i jeres organisation.

Generation X, Y & Z - Hvad driver dem?

Få indblik i forskellene hos de tre generationer i adfærd, drivkræfter og motivation.

Deltag i vores webinar den 18. marts 2025 – skriv til info@hrsolutions-as.com for tilmelding.

Bliv klogere på fremtidens arbejdsstyrke!

Du får sparring af en spiller med 23 års erfaring

Our solutions support the entire HR process, including recruitment, retention, development and follow-up, as well as 360-degree leadership development and workplace assessment/well-being surveys.

Observer, forstå og tilpas til succes via vores salgsudviklings-værktøjer

Through recognised sales tools, we help you make your salespeople even sharper in sales.

Vi er flyttet i nye lokaler

Vi ser frem til at modtage kunder og partnere i vores nye kontorlokaler på Hjulfabrikken i Hadsten.

Her vil vi fortsat tilbyde undervisning og rådgivning af HR værktøjer, som kan skabe merværdi og understøtte optimeringen af jeres organisation.

HR Solutions

Get the right tools to develop your employees, leaders, and business.


We have been certified in ISO 27001


Why is it important to be agile?

Tests and analysis

Our courses for autumn 24 are ready... See them here. 

You probably have a leader in you, but maybe you just need some useful tools to take your employees to the next level? Every employee is different - for example, some are very self-directed, while others need more management.

You will be taught by Kurt Lausen, who has more than 25 years of experience in making great leaders even better.

Læs mere om Situational Leadership her.


HR Solutions
Extended DISC

Get access to several reports

We certify and train you in Extended DISCthat gives you an in-depth insight into natural and adapted human behaviour.

At the same time, you get access to several different reports via the FinxS platform. See more in the video.

Extended DISC Person Analyse

35.000 +

Udfyldte personanalyser om året

400 +

customers in Denmark

2500 +

users on the HR system


Time saving with the recruitment system

Latest news 

Ny praktikant i IT-sikkerhed

New intern in IT security

The holidays are over and Hang has joined us as an intern in IT Security. Hang will be here for 10 weeks, where her responsibility will be to conduct IT tests and Awareness IT tests. In addition, she will be responsible for describing and following up on ISO-27001, preparing...

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Det anbefaler vi til rekruttering

What we recommend for recruitment

With an account on FinxS, you get access to over 80 different reports at no extra cost. Therefore, the following is also based only on a behavioural analysis and a business test. So it's not about a new report or payment for each one. In short, no...

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Forhandlingsledelse som en vigtig færdighed

Negotiation management as an essential skill

Negotiation management is an important skill in many professional contexts. And understanding the DISC behavioural styles can play a crucial role in the effectiveness of negotiations. Here's a brief overview of how each DISC style can typically influence and contribute to...

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    Hr Solutions A/S

    Gammel Sellingvej 1

    8370 Hadsten

    CVR: 39962101


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