
This month's profile comes from one of our customers - Thank you for that - she had received this as part of a recruitment process for an external salesperson.

The person's natural behaviour is used as a starting point for further dialogue/assessment. We assume that the person was focused on their desired job when completing the form.

The profile indicates that the person's behavioural needs and expectations for the desired job do not match 100%.

Below is profile II

The biggest change is on the I factor. Which rises from a low position in Natural behaviour to the highest factor in profile II. This could be important to be aware of, as the person may experience getting very tired of communicating and influencing all the time, especially when the candidate's natural behaviour is among the lowest.

If we look at the diamond, we can see a long journey, which also shows that the person will have to adapt a lot - provided that we assess that profile I fits the job. If profile II fits the job - it is important to have a clear understanding of the organisation's expectations of the job.

Profile II - Natural behaviour

Shape: CD profile
Size: Squeezed
Location: Normal

Profile I - Conscious behaviour

Form: ID
Size: Normal
Location: Normal

Customisation: from II to I

C behaviour becomes clearly less demanded in conscious behaviour

S behaviour at almost the same level

In behaviour is more required/visible in conscious behaviour

Slightly more D behaviour than natural style

S-walk: (the difference between S-behaviour in profile II and I. Since S-behaviour in profile II is 50 % and in profile I is 30%, the candidate feels no pressure/stress to adapt.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
