A survey conducted by the research institute Wilke on behalf of Krifa shows that the majority of the more than 1000 respondents surveyed do not get anything out of the annual performance reviews. Many feel that there is no follow-up afterwards and that the appraisal itself is unproductive. Time is wasted on both parties because managers fail to add enough value to the appraisal and employees don't prepare well enough before the appraisal. This can result in the conversation becoming superficial and unstructured.

However, MU interviews should not be abolished, but instead companies should increase the benefits of the interviews by streamlining the process before, during and after the interview.

Before the conversation

The employee should find the similarities between their own career goals and the company's strategy to get a better outcome, but also for the company to ensure that the employee follows the company's strategy.

During the call

The manager has the opportunity to gain insight into the employee's wellbeing, as performance reviews can help detect stress in the employee.


After the call

Follow-up should occur, as over 80% of respondents in the survey experience a high level of professional development during follow-up conversations.

(Source:Poll on the MU conversation)

We have developed our solution based on the above issues and the experience we have gained, HRM-Nordic MUSwhich provides a framework for ongoing conversations at employee, team or organisational level. Specifically, start, follow-up and end times for the dialogue are selected and the employee receives an agenda for the meeting via the system, which is sent out by the manager and then approved by the employee so that all participants in the conversation know what needs to be prepared. With the solution, the dialogues are stored online, so both manager and employee can always see which development points are agreed during the dialogue, thereby ensuring follow-up afterwards. This means that the employee gets more value from the conversation, but also makes the manager aware that the employee is working according to the company's strategy.
