Extended DISC® Basic Certification

The Extended DISC Basic certification is for those who want a useful HR tool that in 2 days provides an increased understanding of other people and better use of resources in the organisation. The aim is to strengthen your own and your organisation's HR competencies through interpretation of personality analyses, behavioural traits from the individual behavioural styles and how to communicate with them most effectively.

Extended DISC personality analysis is a tool for developing your organisation's well-being and motivation through greater insight into your own and your employees' behaviour. The tool can also be used in the recruitment process to select the right employee and minimise the chance of hiring the wrong person.

During the certification days, you will gain an overview of natural and adapted behaviour, greater self-awareness and an increased understanding of other people. You will learn how to interpret and give feedback on the Extended DISC profile to the analysed person and recognise the behavioural traits that characterise the individual behavioural styles. This can be used to streamline recruitment, target communication within the organisation and improve resource utilisation.

Application possibilities

Extended DISC Advanced Training can be used in a wide range of different areas such as:

  • Employee development
  • Recruitment
  • Leadership development
  • Sales training
  • Customer service training
  • Conflict management
  • Coaching
  • Organisational development
  • Training in communication and understanding people
  • Customer analyses
  • Job analyses

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    The process

    Extended DISC Basic persona analysis is used by managers, internal HR staff and external consultants alike, and our flexible report options make it possible to pull exactly the report that suits your needs.

    On the certification days, there is a strong focus on making everyone feel welcome and ready to contribute with relevant experiences and in-depth questions. That's why our teams are also limited to a maximum of 8 people to maintain the presence and contact so that everyone gets the chance to be heard.

    The certification process consists of 3 steps:

    Step 1: E-learning course

    The e-learning course consists of 3 modules + 1 test. The modules are divided into lessons with exercises in between. The final test must be passed before the certification days. The e-learning course can be completed at your own pace, so you can log in and out as many times as you like.

    Step 2: Person analysis

    Before the certification days, you will need to complete a persona analysis yourself and three "rabbits". The analyses will be used practically in a number of different contexts - including recruitment, feedback and development.

    Step 3: The certification days

    The certification days will focus on the theory behind Extended DISC, enable you to interpret person analyses and provide feedback to the analysed person. The certification days end with a feedback, which you must complete with satisfactory results according to our code of ethics.

    Want to know more?

    If you want to know more about our solutions or need help, contact us! We are ready to help you and advise you on which solutions are best for your organisation. You'll hear from us within 24 hours on weekdays. 
