The Situational Leadership® training programme

Situational Leadership is one of the most recognised leadership tools in the world. Every day, the tool helps leaders to target their leadership style to the recipient's competence level and the given situation.

Situational Leadership was founded by Dr Paul Hersey and is practiced daily by successful coaches and consultants, including Marshall Goldsmith.

Do you want training in one of the world's most recognised leadership tools? With Situational Leadership, you get an education that focuses on adapting your leadership style to the competence level of the recipient and the given situation.

The founder of Situational Leadership, Dr Paul Hersey, always described leadership as "any attempt to influence others". So whenever you want to influence another human being, it's important that the message is customised to the task and the recipient.

Educational opportunities

As something completely new, we offer several ways to get trained in Situational Leadership. It's up to you which course you want to go through.

Outcome of the programme

Whichever option you choose, you will develop your own leadership competences, determine your own competence levels in relation to the model, and gain a greater understanding of your own strengths and development areas in relation to the influence styles.

Furthermore, it maps the employee's specific development areas, helps you better match the employee's competence level with the manager's day-to-day management and is an effective tool for employee training and development.

This can free up more resources to work on long-term business goals and thus create greater efficiency.

Want to know more?

Contact us if you want to know more about the solutions or need help! We are ready to help you and advise you on which solutions are best suited to your organisation. You'll hear from us within 24 hours on weekdays.
