There are many theories on how to build a strong team, and there are even more studies that have investigated what the perfect team composition is. Building a strong team is a difficult task as the outcome of the teamwork depends on how they have been able to work together.

As a leader, there are a few things you can do to strengthen the foundation of a team composition. Here are three tips on how to create a successful team.

1. Find the right people

As written above, the success of a team depends on whether the team members can work together. Therefore, you can't leave it to chance when putting together a team. All people are different both in our behaviour and in our communication.

People analysis is an effective tool for identifying the people whose behaviour and personality best match and complement each other. Of course, there must also be a match in the team members' competences in order to solve the given task or project.

At HR Solutions, we can help you find the right people for your team. We can do this either by using our person analyses or team analyses. Both analyses are based on Extended DISC, which provides a nuanced insight into individual behaviour, motivation and communication styles. Based on this knowledge, a team can be put together on a well-considered and analysed basis.

With the right team composition, conflicts are minimised and team members understand how to leverage each other's strengths.

2. Have a clear objective

Team arbejder hen mod samme målsætningWhen the right people are assembled in a team, it's important that they all work towards the same goal. As a leader, it's therefore important that you communicate the goal of the team collaboration so that no team members are in doubt about what they should be working towards.

It's important that there is only one goal for team collaboration. Even if you as a leader have a number of different sub-goals to achieve the final goal, it's important that you focus on communicating the final goal. If the team is told too many objectives, it can create a lack of clarity about what they are working towards, and the team may doubt which sub-goal they should achieve first. This leads us to the last piece of advice:

3. Let the team solve the task

The team is put together for a reason: because there is confidence that together they can achieve the goal. How they reach the goal may be different from what you had imagined and therefore the aforementioned milestones may end up being a challenge to their work.

Once team members know the goal of the project, you need to trust them to find their own way to the goal. Team members can utilise each other's strengths and skills, and they should have the opportunity to develop their skills on an ongoing basis. If a large number of sub-goals are set, these can limit the team members - even if it is meant to help them set the different sub-goals.

We help you build a strong team

Our team analysis is a great tool for building teams. On the basis of a team analysis conflicts in a team can be minimised and also contribute to a better use of resources. This is not a standard analysis. The team analysis is adapted to the behavioural competencies that are important in the desired team.

You also have the opportunity to become certified in Extended DISC ® Team yourself. With a certification, you will be able to build or develop strong and effective teams. You can read more about Team certification here.

Contact us if you want to know even more about team analyses and team composition. Send an email to or call us at 70 26 32 25.
