A good sales department is one of the most important things in most companies and plays a crucial role in the company's success, growth and prosperity. However, a successful sales department requires a team of skilled salespeople who are able to sell the product and handle the type of sales tasks that your organisation needs.

This can be challenging and requires the salesperson to have the right sales skills and natural sales mindset needed to close a sale. When building your sales department or strengthening your sales teams, it's therefore also important to look at whether the salesperson has the sales skills and natural sales behaviour required.

FinxS Sales 18 can help with this. FinxS Sales 18 is used to identify the natural behavioural tendencies of the salesperson and is therefore an effective tool for sales departments to use in sales training and developing salespeople's sales skills to increase the chance of success in the sales process.

What is FinxS Sales 18

FinxS Sales 18 is an analysis tool that can be used to gain a better understanding of a salesperson's natural sales behavioural tendencies. FinxS Sales 18 is specifically designed to be used with FinxS Sales Competence Assessment to help individual salespeople and sales management gain greater insight into the salesperson's sales skills and natural sales behaviour.

FinxS Sales 18 thus combines the theory behind DISC analysis and FinxS Sales Competence Assessment to map a salesperson's natural DISC behavioural tendencies within 18 different sales competencies. This makes it possible to identify the similarities and differences between the salesperson's natural behavioural style and current competence level compared to the salesperson's expected behaviour and expected competence level.

FinxS Sales 18 can thus be used to help salespeople in the sales department understand their natural behavioural tendencies based on the DISC model and gain greater insight into their current sales competence level, strengths and development areas.

At the same time, the analysis tool can be used by sales management in connection with sales training to make a concrete plan for which sales skills and areas the individual salesperson should work on and develop based on their natural behaviour and current skill level.

Using Sales 18 in the sales department


The 18 sales competences in FinxS Sales 18 are all important for a salesperson to have in order to succeed in a sale. However, not all 18 sales competences are equally important for all salespeople, but depend on the individual salesperson's role in the sales department.

When using the FinxS Sales 18 tool, it is therefore a good idea to map out in advance which competences are most important for the individual salesperson to possess. That way, you can focus on developing the salesperson on these competences first.

Each of the 18 sales competencies is divided into individual behavioural competencies, each with an expectation score of 5. This expectation score should be seen as an ideal target, as no one will be able to score 5 on all competencies. Instead, the expectation score should be used to compare the salesperson's current competency level with the expected competency level. This can help you identify the salesperson's strengths and areas for development.

In addition to the competency level, the FinxS Sales 18 report also provides an insight into the salesperson's expected behaviour in order to succeed with the sales competency in question as well as the salesperson's natural comfort zone as it is located in the Extended DISC Diamond. This can be used to see whether the salesperson's natural behaviour matches the behaviour required for the sales competency in question.

Interpretation of the salesperson's skills and behaviour

In combination with the FinxS Sales Competence Assessment, the results from FinxS Sales 18 can tell you something about how the salesperson performs on the competency compared to the salesperson's natural behaviour, including whether the salesperson performs better than what the salesperson's natural behaviour predicts or whether the salesperson is not using their full potential.

If the salesperson scores high on one of the 18 sales competencies and the expected behaviour for this sales competency matches the salesperson's natural DISC behavioural tendencies, it means that the sales competency is within the salesperson's natural comfort zone and competencies.

Conversely, if the salesperson scores low on one of the 18 sales competencies and the expected DISC behaviour is not within the salesperson's natural DISC behaviour, it will require a lot of energy and work to develop the salesperson on this competency.

However, it could also be that the salesperson has a low score on one of the sales competencies, but that the expected DISC behavioural tendency matches the salesperson's natural behavioural tendency. In this case, there are good opportunities to develop the salesperson's competences here, as the sales competency falls within the salesperson's natural comfort zone.

Create success in the sales department through sales training

If you want to increase the success and prosperity of your business, it is important to have a skilled sales department that has the right skills and the right behaviour to fill the sales role they are in. With FinxS Sales 18, both salespeople and sales management can gain a better understanding of the natural behavioural tendencies of the salesperson, which can help to determine which sales role the individual salesperson naturally fits best into.

At the same time, the analysis tool in combination with the Sales Competence Assessment can provide knowledge about which competencies and behavioural patterns the salesperson needs to work on improving. In this way, FinxS Sales 18 can be used in connection with sales training to develop salespeople's competences to achieve greater sales success.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can use FinxS Sales 18 for sales training, please contact us at 70 26 32 25 or info@hrsolutions.dk.
