"He/she is a born leader". You've probably heard that phrase before. But there's no such thing as a born leader - it requires training and constant development of many different facets of leadership.

As a leader, you are expected to create results - also through your employees. The leadership role carries a great deal of responsibility, which is why it's important that you as a leader constantly develop yourself and your employees.

In order to create results through your employees, your most important role is to lead them towards the goal, but also to motivate and engage them.

Take a look in the mirror

At HR Solutions, we offer a 360-degree leadership assessmentYou'll get honest and constructive feedback from your employees, colleagues, manager, etc. In other words, you'll look yourself in the mirror and gain insight into how others see you, your strengths and your development areas. This forms the basis for you to develop into an even better leader than you are today.

Many people will realise that the perception others have of them is not quite the same as their own. Only when this is made visible do they have the opportunity to change and thus change the perception that others have of them.

What is a 360-degree leadership review?

With 360-degree evaluation, you get feedback from people who work closely with you. In other words, you get a 360-degree view of your leadership. The evaluation covers your management, your leadership and your professional competences.

The evaluation is based on a questionnaire divided into 10 areas with 5-8 questions in each area. The questionnaire itself can be customised to suit your needs.

What do you get out of a 360-degree evaluation?

Resultatet af en 360 graders evalueringMost people who complete a 360-degree evaluation find that they get:

  • Insight into what others experience around their leadership
  • Insight into development areas and strengths
  • Insight into areas where their manager sees their strengths
  • Insight into where their manager, colleague or co-worker has a different view to their own
  • Focus on performance drivers

The above is realised when an action plan is created based on the results of the evaluation. This creates an overview and a plan for the concrete actions needed to improve the individual areas.

As with so many other analyses and evaluations, we recommend following up on the 360-degree evaluation 1-2 times a year. By doing this, you can also continuously monitor your development and see if improvements have been made in any of your development areas.

Pricing for 360 degree evaluations?

Since the setup of the 360 degree conductor evaluation is the same whether you set up 1 or 20 360 degree conductor evaluations - the price for 1 piece will be more expensive than buying several at the same time. For 1 piece, it costs around DKK 2000 excluding VAT. Contact us for a quote for more.

Want to hear more?

Are you interested in learning more about the 360 degree evaluation and what you can get out of this type of evaluation?

If you can't join us on the day, keep an eye on our Upcoming zoom meetings. We continuously update the page with upcoming online meetings and presentations. All Zoom meetings take approximately 30 minutes.

Of course, you are also welcome to call us by phone 70 26 32 25 or send an email to info@hrsolutions.dkif you have any questions.
