"Get things done" - is a slogan from a well-known DIY store - and so is GDPR.

Most of us have probably been aware that somewhere, we have had some papers lying around that shouldn't be there. It could be applications, employment papers, minutes from the last MAS/MUS form, a warning or other papers with personal information on them.

Many organisations are in the process of describing processes and thinking about how GDPR affects our everyday lives - which is great.

As a supplier of HRM-Nordic HR System, we are experiencing a huge interest in a system that can secure data flow, and thus sensitive personal information inside a secure online HR system where the database is within the EU.


Get things done and the ketchup effect?

It comes as no surprise that the GDPR is about to come into force, so it's important to remember to put action behind your organisation's descriptions of processes and considerations of its impact on our everyday lives and avoid the ketchup effect. Let's get ahead of the GDPR!

May 2018 sees the new General Data Protection Regulation come into force, which means that almost all organisations will be busy right up until the deadline. We can therefore predict that the next 6 months will see a constant increase in pressure, not only to purchase an HR system, but also to set up and import sensitive personal data into a secure system.

Our experience is already that setting up a system can be done in about 1-2 days, but the actual import of data for an organisation with 50 employees will take about 2-3 days and an organisation with 150 employees about a week.

When many organisations need this help in the future, the need will look like this:


This means that resources to help with implementation and startup will be in high demand - this can have a knock-on effect on the cost of implementation or the ability to reach the goal.

We therefore recommend Get things done.

 Kurt Lausen, CEO HR Solutions


Click here here and read more about how HRM-Nordic HR System can benefit your organisation.

