DISC analyses are a tool that is becoming increasingly popular among companies - and with good reason! A DISC analysis tells you something about employees' personal profiles, including their behavioural patterns, strengths and weaknesses. This is why DISC analysis has become a popular tool in the recruitment process, but it can also be used to build teams or for personal development.

When a company knows an employee's personality profile and behaviour, it can use this knowledge to form teams. DISC analysis results can also be used to determine which employee should be responsible for a given task. In other words, DISC analyses can help streamline work processes in a company.

What is a DISC test?

A DISC test - or a DISC analysis, which is a more correct term to use - is based on a questionnaire that aims to reveal a person's strengths and weaknesses. From this, you can find out what motivates a person, how to communicate to them, as well as their general beliefs and conflict behaviour.

In other words, a DISC analysis is a standardised person analysis. The DISC model consists of four different parameters: Dominance, Influence, Stability and Control. It is from these four parameters that a profile of a person is created.

When a person has completed a DISC analysis, he or she will know which parameter he or she most closely matches. There are no people who are 100% D, for example. There will be a combination of the four parameters, but with a predominance of one parameter.

Below you can see what the different parameters in DISC stand for.

Dominance (dominance)

These are people who have a dominant behaviour. This type of person is very goal-orientated and is motivated by the results they can achieve. This type of person is often very direct in their communication and will also give orders to others. This type of person thrives on being in control and prefers to avoid being controlled by others.

Influence (influence)

This persona profile is more of a team builder. For this type of person, the social aspect and community play a big role, which is why communication is important. This persona can be perceived as very enthusiastic and friendly.

Steadiness (stability)

This is a team player. This type of person needs stability and a sense of security. This persona type thinks long-term and will therefore also work towards long-term relationships. This personality type thrives on immersing themselves in their tasks and therefore needs time to complete tasks.

Conscientious (compliance)

This type of person is very structured. For this persona, facts are important and they discuss based on logical arguments. This persona type is very meticulous and detail-orientated.

What can companies use DISC tests for?

As a company, you can use the DISC model as a basis for several different processes. For example, in the recruitment process, where you need to find the best candidate for a position - and who also fits best in the team. The DISC analysis has become a common tool when hiring new employees or putting together teams.

However, the DISC analysis can also be used for much more. As the DISC model also reveals an employee's strengths and weaknesses, the results of the analysis can also be actively used as part of the performance review. The analysis can provide insight into how an employee can develop - both professionally and on a personal level.

Finally, you can also use the DISC model as a starting point for Situational leadership. Here, the DISC analysis results will give you knowledge on how to communicate with your employees to motivate them for different tasks. In addition, the results of the analyses can also give you insight into how best to provide feedback to different types of people.

Our different types of DISC certifications

At HR Solutions, you can get certified in different types of DISC analyses. Our different certification types have different purposes, so you get the necessary tools for what your organisation needs. The different DISC certifications are:

  • Quality analysis
  • Composition of teams
  • Conversion to Extended DISC

You can read more about our different certifications in Extended DISC below.

Extended DISC Basic

This certification gives you an HR tool in just two days. With this certification, you will learn how to interpret people analytics, behavioural traits and how to best communicate with different types of people.

This certification is particularly suitable for those who want to use DISC analyses as part of the recruitment process or if you want to develop your company's well-being and motivation. You can read much more about the Extended DISC Basis certification here.

Extended DISC Conversion Certification

This conversion certification is for those who have a different type of DISC certification than Extended DISC. This certification strengthens your skills through interpretation of persona analysis, behavioural traits, and how to best communicate with different persona types.

You can read much more about the Extended DISC Conversion Certification here.

Extended DISC Team Composition and Development

If you want to learn how to build and develop strong teams, this certification is for you! You'll learn about the different team roles and how they interact, and you'll gain an understanding of team members' strengths and development areas.

You can read much more about the Extended DISC Team here.

What does a DISC certification cost?

The price of a DISC certification depends on the certification in question, just as the duration of different certifications will also vary. You can always see our current prices for DISC certifications in our course calendarwhere you can also see the scheduled dates.

You can register for a certification at any time via the course calendar - simply click on "Tickets" and complete the registration and payment process.

If you have any questions about our DISC certifications, you are also welcome to contact us by phone: 70 26 32 25, or by filling out the contact form below.
