The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been officially adopted by the EU and will come into force in Denmark on 25 May 2018. It replaces the old GDPR from 1995 as a lot has happened on the digital front since then. Social media, sensitive personal data, data storage in the cloud and significantly more threats from cybercriminals are now an integral part of our everyday IT lives.

The regulation aims to standardise personal data rules across the EU and will be directly applicable in all EU member states and to companies offering goods or services to EU countries.
The GDPR aims to create more transparency and access to the data and information a company stores about a given employee or user.

Who is affected by the GDPR?

You are covered by the GDPR as soon as you store any kind of data about an identified or identifiable natural person. Personal data includes, for example: name, address, telephone number, email, employee number, references, images, etc.
It will affect virtually all Danish companies that in one way or another work with or store personal and user data, including companies that register information about their employees.

Here we will answer some of the questions that are being asked in connection with the new data regulation:

Does this apply to us at all - we are a small business after all? Yes, this applies to all private companies that have employees.

What happens if we don't get this right?

  • Fines can be imposed up to 4 % of the company's turnover, with a maximum of 20 million euros.

What is a DPO?

  • A DPO is a person who is responsible for the flow of data in the organisation, this person is specially protected in their employment.

How do I know if we're doing it right today?

  • You can read more about the General Data Protection Regulation here. In addition, many lectures on this topic are held by business councils and other organisations. Many of these lectures are very informative and can be utilised to your advantage.

Who can help me organise the data?

  • There are a number of companies that provide systems in this area. HR Solutions delivers it through our platform called HRM-Nordic, which is specially developed for small and medium-sized companies. The system is both simple to set up and easy to use. Read more here

How much does a system cost?

  • Prices vary widely and can range from DKK 30-150,000 per year. In contrast, we offer a price per person per year in the system that is specially adapted to small and medium-sized businesses. This price therefore varies according to the number of employees in the company, so you don't pay for more or less than you need.

Systemise your data

So how do you ensure that your organisation complies with the EU's stricter data regulation and avoid the significant fines for non-compliance?
One thing is certain; many companies are affected by the stricter requirements and there will most likely be a need for customisation in all affected companies.

More and more companies are prioritising digitising employee data and putting it in an online cloud-based system.
This prevents physical copies from disappearing and data can always be presented if the employee so wishes.
At HR Solutions, we have developed a module in our HR system that meets the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation for handling and storing employee data. The individual employee will always be able to see what information is stored about them in the system.
The system is divided into several user levels, defining who has rights to view, edit and create information on employees. In primarily medium and large companies, the information can be actively used to find specific skills and experience in the organisation.

Read more about HRM-Nordic Employee Centre HERE
