The recruitment process can be long and costly. In addition to the hours you and your colleagues put into preparing the job advert, reviewing applications, interviewing, conducting personality tests, assessing the selected job candidates, there will also be costs associated with a new hire. The new employee needs to be introduced to the company, their colleagues and work processes, and in addition, existing employees will be interrupted in their work and will therefore not be as productive.

The total cost of hiring a skilled employee varies from industry to industry. In the they write that, on average, it costs a company 14-16 weeks' salary to hire a new, skilled employee. In the most expensive cases, according to, it can cost as much as 25 weeks' salary.

The cost of recruitment depends largely on the complexity of the job. The more complex, the more expensive the recruitment process.

Get an overview of the candidates

Skab et overblik over kandidaterneOnce the first sorting of job candidates has been completed, it's a good idea to get an overview of the candidate field. Those who have not been eliminated after the first sorting should have some of the competences you are looking for. Therefore, it's now a matter of finding the candidates who, on paper, are the best match for the position.

Compare candidates' competences

Create an overview of the competences needed to do the job. This way, you will be able to compare candidates based on their competences in relation to the job. Many HR and recruitment systems allow you to compare candidates based on some parameters (competences) that you have specified.

By comparing candidates' skills against each other, the weakest candidates who lack essential and important skills can be quickly weeded out.

To be left with relevant candidates, it's important that the requirements for the position are clear and concrete. If it's a new position, it can be difficult to get an overview of all the required competences. If it's an existing position, consider whether the requirements for the position have changed since the last hiring process for the same (type of) position. As the company, work processes and society change, so will the requirements for the position.

Test the leading candidates' professional and personal competences

A person's personality is often the deciding factor for a successful hire. It is on the basis of personality that it can be assessed whether the candidate can become part of the workplace community - both personally and professionally.

Professionally, personality has an impact on the ability and willingness to collaborate and how a person approaches a task. Do you need someone who can make quick decisions or someone who is analytical?

There's only so much insight you can get into a person's personality from a single job interview, application and CV. That's why it can be a good idea to conduct a personality analysis like the Extended DISC Personality Profile. On the basis of a DISC profile you can gain insight into the behavioural style and drive of the job candidate.

Our DISC profiles are often used for recruitment purposes and provide a good knowledge base for identifying the right candidate. If you would like to see what a DISC profile looks like, you can order a demo report at the bottom of this page. We also offer an abbreviated analysis and report with our Mini DISC Profile.

Look both forwards and backwards

JobsamtaleIn addition to having the right skills and personality, it's important to look back at what has been achieved, but also forward to how the candidate can help and contribute to the company (and vice versa).

When looking back, it's a good idea to contact the candidate's references. The references can give you a more nuanced picture of the candidate and may also confirm some of your impressions or concerns. References can also tell you something about the candidate's work ethic, interpersonal skills and personality.

In addition, it's a good idea to look ahead. This is very much about finding out how the candidate can solve some of the company's problems or contribute to strengthening the company further. Can the person see themselves in the job framework that has been set up for the candidate? And can you see the candidate solving the tasks and issues they will encounter in the future?

Get help with the recruitment process

As described above, we offer Extended DISC profiles, which can be a valuable tool in the recruitment process. You can read more about Extended DISC personal profiles here. You also have the opportunity to become DISC Certified.

If you have any questions about DISC profiles or how they can help your organisation, please contact us by phone 70 26 32 25 or by filling out the contact form below.
