During the crisis, human resources were cut back, so the question is whether more can be optimised in this area. A few years ago, the focus shifted to organisational processes - can we do things differently so that we can optimise workflows - and therefore processes?

In many organisations, a lot of work is being done on workflows - also in HR. The question is, how much can unambiguous processes that are supported by IT do for a department?

The question is difficult to answer as it depends on the starting point, such as how good the workflows are already and how much is already automated.

Often the workflows support a general HR process consisting of the following phases:

  • Recruitment
  • Retention
  • Development
  • Settlement.

If we look at a medium-sized Danish company of 250 people with an employee turnover of 10%, we can quickly calculate what the answer might be in terms of supporting the recruitment phase - the difference between a manual process and an automated process.

With 10 recruitments in one year, there will probably be around 300 to 500 applicants - all of whom will be thanked for their application, some will be invited for interviews and others will be rejected.

Savings in this area, measured against an HR Consultant's salary, would be around DKK 50-75,000 in one year. This is just one example of one area.

If we think about creating an overview of employee data, sickness statistics, employee interviews, sickness absence interviews, ongoing follow-up on focus areas, etc. then the DKK 75,000 will be significantly larger.

If you are interested in a dialogue about how your company can optimise the processes in your HR department, please contact us either on +45 7026 3225 or info@hrsolutions.dk
