DISC profiles are a powerful tool that can empower the workplace, creating greater understanding and team interactions. However, not everyone understands how DISC profiles can be actively used in the organisation. That's why in this post we zoom in on why DISC profiles are a powerful tool for organisations.

What can you use personal profiles for?

A DISC profile is a personality profile that describes a person's behaviour in different situations. In fact, DISC profiles are one of the world's most popular personality profiling tools - and for good reason.

DISC profiles are based on a simple, easy-to-use system that measures both conscious and unconscious behaviour. At HR Solutions, we specialise in Extended DISC, which provides a more nuanced picture than other personal profiles. Extended DISC provides more than 2,560,000 different profile combinations.

Based on the different personality profiles, you can gain insight into the person's behaviour, motivational factors and communication style. Based on an Extended DISC persona profile, you can gain knowledge about how to best motivate and communicate with the person.

In addition, you will also be able to find the right person to be part of a team or as part of the organisation when compared to the company or team's other personal profiles. DISC profiles are therefore an ideal tool in the recruitment process, where you need to select the right person for the position on a limited knowledge base, and at the same time find a person who fits into the company culture.

Not just a recruitment tool

However, DISC profiles are not only a useful tool for the recruitment process. It can also be used as an active part of daily life in the organisation. When putting together teams, DISC profiles can ensure the creation of a strong and complementary team.

As described earlier, DISC profiles can also help to strengthen communication within the organisation. As a manager, it's crucial to be able to communicate your messages to your employees - and knowledge of your employees' personality profiles can be a great help. We have previously written about how you should Communicate to and with different DISC profiles.

Another example of where DISC profiles can be effective is when it comes to sales and the company's salespeople. It's one thing for salespeople's development areas to be highlighted through a DISC profile, but a salesperson can also actively use knowledge of different DISC persona profiles in their sales. When a salesperson has an understanding of the different personality profiles, they will be able to track the personality profile of the person they want to sell to. With this knowledge, a salesperson can structure their communication so that the customer is more receptive to the sales message. We've also written more about this here.

Just as salespeople can highlight their development areas through DISC profiles, both employees and managers can use DISC profiles to identify development areas. That's why DISC profiles are often used for employee and leadership development.

Build acceptance for DISC profiles throughout the organisation

Accept fra medarbejdereTo be successful with DISC profiles in an organisation, it's important that employees understand the purpose of the personal profiles. If they don't know the purpose, they will also be sceptical about completing a DISC profile - or perhaps even outright opposed to it. If employees know the purpose of completing DISC profiles, they will also be more likely to support and complete a DISC profile themselves.

Especially if it's a new initiative that the organisation has embraced, information to employees is important. If they don't understand the purpose, or if they feel they are being watched, you will meet resistance. This can lead to them deliberately filling out the DISC profile incorrectly.

If an Extended DISC profile is filled out incorrectly, you will not get misleading results. Extended DISC is so well designed and tested that this type of "cheating" will be detected and you will be left with an invalid test instead.

Get certified in Extended DISC

Once you realise what you can do with Extended DISC personal profiles in your company and incorporate it into your daily operations and culture, it can make sense to have one or more employees who are certified in Extended DISC.

When you become certified in Extended DISC, you learn how to give feedback on completed DISC profiles and how to utilise knowledge about a person profile. At HR Solutions, we conduct DISC certifications on an ongoing basis. We offer the following Extended DISC certification courses:

Keep an eye on our course calendar to see our upcoming certification courses.

If you have any questions about our DISC certification courses or how you can actively use DISC profiles in your organisation, please contact us by phone 70 26 32 25 or send an email to info@hrsolutions.dk.

