
This month's profile of the month comes from the education sector - following a dialogue between a student counsellor and a student.

The student struggled with group work and wasn't sure about their choice of study programme.

The person's natural behaviour is used as a starting point for further dialogue/assessment.

The person focused on their studies when completing the survey, which could give an indicator of how they are thriving.

The profile indicates that the programme requires some adjustments.

Below is profile II

The biggest change is on the C-factor.
Who from a high position in Natural behaviour dives deep into profile two.

Profile II - Natural behaviour

Shape: SDC profile
Size: Normal
Location: Normal

Profile I - conscious behaviour

Shape: DI
Size: Normal
Location: Normal

Customisation: from II to I

S and C behaviours are clearly less demanded in conscious behaviour

I and D behaviour is slightly more required/visible in conscious behaviour

S-walk: (the difference between S-behaviour in profile II and I. Since S-behaviour in profile II is 105 % and in profile I 1001 %, the person may experience pressure to adapt to their adapted behaviour. The pressure comes because the person is compromising their own attitudes, values or norms.

The student's experience was that there were high expectations and he often had to be the one to take responsibility and initiate things.

He was getting discouraged and this is where the profile came in handy. Through dialogue about their own behavioural preferences, the counsellor and student aligned expectations and roles for both group work and taking responsibility.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
