Thank you for your positive response to last month's profile. This profile is from one of our business partners who works with coaching on a daily basis, which I have promised to write a few words about.

The profile of the month looks like this: 

This profile was created in the context of a coaching situation.

We use the person's natural behaviour to match them to the new job.

The person focused on their current job when completing the survey, which could give an indicator of how they are doing.

The profile indicates that the job requires some adjustments, including that the desired stability is not present. This could be due to new tasks, new people or general changes in the organisation.

The strength of the profile lies in its stability, which with the combination of the low D (profile II) will try to hold on to traditions, the way we do things and the experiences gained through life.

When implementing job changes, this requires reflection and trust. Profile I indicates a lack of clarity about the adjustments - so this would be a good starting point for further dialogue.

Profile II - Natural behaviour

Shape: SCI profile

Size: Normal

Location: Normal

Profile I - conscious behaviour

Shape: SI

Size: Normal (but smaller than Profile II)

Location: Normal

Customisation: from II to I

S and C behaviours are clearly less demanded in conscious behaviour

I and D behaviour is slightly more required/visible in conscious behaviour

S-walk: (the difference between S-behaviour in profile II and I

Since S-behaviour in profile II is 70 % and in profile I is 60%, there is no significant change. So the person does not feel pressure to adapt behaviourally.

To read more about the DISC personality analysis click here
