Every year, millions of MAS, MUS, PU or similar conversations are conducted between employees and managers.

Some of the dialogues are great, others not so good and a few are criticised as a waste of time. Through dialogues with Danish companies, we have investigated where the difference lies.

The good response is achieved when

  • That the agreements from the last dialogue are taken as a starting point (have we reached the goal)
  • That both parties are clear about the content / agenda for the conversation
  • That both parties have prepared thoroughly
  • That time is set aside for dialogue - plenty of time - so there is nothing we don't have time to talk about
  • That there are conclusions from the appraisal that are accepted
  • That a plan is made for the upcoming initiatives and periods
  • That what was agreed is followed up at the right time and according to the agreement
  • That there is an ongoing follow-up - so that things get done

The biggest challenges are also expressed as being in the following areas:

  • Due to a change of manager, it is not always clear what was agreed at the last appraisal meeting
  • A lack of preparation for the interviews for both manager and employees
  • Not following up on conversations and not honouring agreements

To address this, we have chosen to power these important elements in HRM-Nordic.com Employee interviews / Development. So that we can help make performance reviews better and more effective for both employees and managers, and ensure follow-up on initiatives.

Contact us for more information at 70 26 32 25 or find out more at www.HRM-Nordic.dk
