What image do you have of a salesperson? Most of us have a preconceived notion of what a salesperson is like. It's not uncommon to see salespeople as verbal and outgoing people who are good at speaking up in sales meetings. Sales is also a team effort, but often most teams are made up of people with similar behaviours, skills and communication styles. But maybe it's time to look at sales in a new way?

Furthermore, much of the sales development that takes place today focuses heavily on short-term selling, which means that we are missing a lot of the competency development that helps strengthen salespeople's sales skills and create sales success.

At HR Solutions, we have therefore focused on developing an even better tool for Sales Management in relation to both recruitment and development. This means that we can now offer the tool FinxS Sales Assessment, which is a sales test or sales assessment that can be used to map the salesperson's strengths and development potential on 18 sales competences.

Greater focus on salesperson development

When it comes to sales, there is still a perception that quantity is more important than quality. Prejudices say that we close more deals by making more calls or visiting more customers. However, this is an outdated view of sales - especially when talking about more complex business. It's also a known fact that it's always more expensive to find new customers than to retain existing ones. In other words, it's just as important to work on customer satisfaction, as focusing solely on new sales will only yield short-term gains.

By thinking about sales in a broader perspective and focusing on customer retention and quality rather than just new sales and quantity, we address more market needs and utilise more skills in our sales teams. It may therefore be a good idea to change the way we think about sales and focus more on how we can develop salespeople's competences to drive sales that can lead to long-term gains.

However, knowing where to start when it comes to sales development can be overwhelming. That's where our new FinxS sales assessment tool can come in handy.

How FinxS sales assessment works

The FinxS Sales Assessment is a tool developed for salespeople in collaboration with Sandler Training. The Sales Assessment is designed to strengthen and streamline learning and identify the salesperson's strengths and weaknesses on 18 critically important sales competences.

Below you can see 8 out of 18 areas that you can learn about that can help you gain insight and knowledge about where your seller's strengths are and how they compare to each other:


Based on the salesperson's strengths and development areas, the sales assessment can provide clear and concrete information that can be used to create a plan for the salesperson's competence development in order to be more successful in sales. In addition, the sales assessment can also be used to understand and work with the salesperson's mindset in relation to making a sale.

The sales assessment works with 12 Mindsets, which are the natural instincts of the salesperson and the underlying building blocks of the sales competences. Each sales competency is based on 1-3 Mindsets and can thus help provide a clearer picture of where the salesperson's natural selling style lies and how this aligns with their sales competencies.

The FinxS/Extended Disc sales assessment provides insight into the seller's mindsets and strengths and weaknesses in relation to 18 key sales skills. In addition, the assessment provides a greater understanding of the differences in sales styles. This knowledge can help you create a concrete plan to develop the salesperson's skills and create a sales strategy that suits the individual salesperson's sales style and can be used to develop great sales teams that can create the best sales results for your organisation.

How many excuses does your seller have?


Our new Sales Competence Assessment tool also includes our famous "Excuse Index". The Excuse Index tells you how often the salesperson will focus on areas that are not promotional.

This is done through a questionnaire where the respondent is presented with a series of choices that aim to show whether the person will avoid sales-related activities. The lower the excuse index percentage, the more likely the salesperson is to focus on sales-related actions and activities that lead to sales results over other non-sales related activities.

The global average for the Apology Index is 35%. Want to know what the average is in your sales organisation? With the FinxS Sales Assessment, you can learn how much your salespeople focus on promotional actions.

Excuse Index

How to get started with FinxS Sales Competence Assessment

At HR Solutions, we can offer to certify you to use our new sales assessment tool in your sales department, however, we can also offer you an already certified person who can help you create a sales assessment that you can use for competence development of your salespeople and development of a sales strategy based on the different sales styles of your salespeople.

If you are interested in getting certified or want more information on how FinxS Sales Competence Assessment can help you develop your salespeople and create more success in sales, please contact us at info@hrsolutions.dk or 70 26 32 25.
