What's new

Få succes med selvledende medarbejdere

Succeed with self-managing employees

Self-management has become a widespread phenomenon in many organisations. It's all about giving employees the freedom to organise their own workday and prioritise their tasks. Some studies have also shown that self-management is...

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Gode råd til salgsledelse

Tips for sales management

As a sales manager, your goal is to create effective and motivated salespeople, because motivated salespeople sell more. If a salesperson doesn't live up to their goals, the focus is often on the fact that the salesperson hasn't done their best, or makes a lot of excuses why they...

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Situationsbestemt ledelse: Kender du din påvirkningsstil?

Situational leadership: Do you know your influence style?

Good leadership is essential for a successful organisation where employees thrive and create the desired results for the company. However, there is no definitive answer to what good leadership is. Instead, good leadership is much more about customising your...

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3 gode råd til at sammensætte et succesfuldt team

3 tips for building a successful team

There are many theories on how to build a strong team, and there are even more studies that have investigated what the perfect team composition is. Building a strong team is a difficult task, as the outcome of teamwork depends on the...

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Så kan vi snart mødes igen

Then we can meet again soon

From Monday 8 June, we are opening up the physical certifications again, which means that you can now once again take a course with us with face-to-face training. In the future, we will be able to offer both physical classes and virtual certifications. We take...

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Corona-krisen stiller nye krav til os alle

The corona crisis places new demands on us all

There's no doubt that the Corona crisis has meant that we've all had to think differently and get used to different habits. Few people can say that the crisis hasn't affected them to a greater or lesser extent. At HR Solutions, we have over the years...

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Hvorfor bruge DISC-profiler?

Why use DISC profiles?

DISC profiles are a powerful tool that can empower the workplace, creating greater understanding and team interactions. However, not everyone understands how DISC profiles can be actively used in the organisation. That's why in this post we zoom in on why...

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Bliv certificeret uden at forlade skrivebordet

Get certified without leaving your desk

As a new feature, we have introduced virtual certification courses in Extended DISC Basic and vocational testing (cognitive testing). This means that you can get certified without leaving your desk, as the certification courses are held online at ....

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Har du råd til fejlansættelser?

Can you afford bad hires?

The recruitment process can be long and costly. In addition to the hours you and your colleagues put into preparing the job advert, reviewing applications, interviewing, conducting personality tests, assessing the selected job candidates, you will...

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DISC profiler styrker kommunikationen

DISC profiles strengthen communication

Many companies today use one or more different analysis tools during the recruitment process, with Extended DISC becoming one of the most popular tools. However, it is not only through recruitment processes that companies can benefit from DISC profiles. On...

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Want to know more?

If you want to know more about our solutions or need help, contact us! We are ready to help you and advise you on which solutions are best for your organisation. You'll hear from us within 24 hours on weekdays. 
