What's new

Hvor mange undskyldninger har din sælger?

How many excuses does your seller have?

How many of your salespeople have the natural HUNGER to do better than last week? How big is the excuse index of your salespeople? The new Sales Competence Assessment gives you the answers! Know your salespeople's sales competences In the Sales Competence Assessment we look...

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Anvend en DISC 18 profil i salgsafdelingen og skab vækst i virksomheden

Apply a DISC 18 profile in sales and grow your business

The DISC model is a widely used tool used in large and small organisations. The DISC model is a personality analysis model used to map a person's patterns of action and behaviour. The DISC analysis provides a description of our behaviour, including...

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Få et overblik med en mini DISC profil

Get an overview with a mini DISC profile

At HR Solutions, we specialise in DISC profiles and personality analyses. For many years, we have offered work with behaviour and the preparation of personality analyses as well as certification courses in Extended DISC. What these have in common is that you can prepare a persona...

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Bliv en endnu bedre leder med en 360 graders evaluering

Become an even better leader with a 360 degree assessment

"He/she is a born leader". You've probably heard that phrase before. But there is no such thing as a born leader - it requires training and constant development of many different facets of leadership. As a leader, you are expected to be able to create results - also through your...

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Medarbejder samtaler – Spild af tid eller hvad…

Employee interviews - A waste of time or what...

Every year, millions of MAS, MUS, PU or similar conversations are conducted between employees and managers. Some of these conversations are super good, others not so good, and a few are criticised as a waste of time. Through dialogues with Danish companies, we have investigated where...

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Derfor skal du satse mere på medarbejderudvikling

Why you need to invest more in employee development

Employee development is the path to success. When you focus on empowering your employees through employee development, you can create greater success for your business because you'll have happier and more effective employees. If an employee is stuck, tired, or...

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Find den rette kandidat til jobbet med en evnetest

Find the right candidate for the job with an aptitude test

In most companies, it's common practice for the selected candidates to be called in for one or two interviews. However, many companies also use personality analyses and other tests to help them in the recruitment process. Especially DISC, and Jungian-based...

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Brug DISC certificeringer til at styrke din virksomhed

Use DISC certifications to empower your business

DISC analyses are a tool that is becoming increasingly popular among companies - and with good reason! A DISC analysis tells you something about employees' personal profiles, including their behavioural patterns, strengths and weaknesses. This is why DISC analyses have become...

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Få det optimale ud af MAS/MUS

Get the most out of MAS/MUS

A survey conducted by the research institute Wilke on behalf of Krifa shows that the majority of the more than 1000 respondents surveyed do not get anything out of the annual performance reviews. Many feel that there is no follow-up to the appraisal afterwards, and...

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Medarbejderne og organisationens værdier

Employees and organisational values

We all have an insight into the values chosen by the organisation we work for. They are probably described in the staff handbook, perhaps hanging around the corridors and offices. In many of the places I visit, they are written on the wall upon arrival. This ensures...

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Want to know more?

If you want to know more about our solutions or need help, contact us! We are ready to help you and advise you on which solutions are best for your organisation. You'll hear from us within 24 hours on weekdays. 
