Interview with Kristine Bach Feldt from Merrild Kaffe about FinxS

"An easy and great tool for organisations' everyday life"

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Kristine Bach Nielsen, HR Consultant at Merrild Kaffe uses Extended DISC® to both Person Analysis, team composition and recruitment. 

The need arose when they felt they needed to get more in-depth with business processes and improve performance situations. According to Kristine, Merrild Kaffe uses Extended DISC® for e.g. recruitment processes, which has resulted in them avoiding recruitment errors. Extended DISC® is an easy tool that can be used in many situations and fits into Merrild Kaffe's business strategy.

According to Kristine, Extended DISC® has resulted in improvements in focus areas as they are now more aware of sales style, which has an impact on sales figures. The best thing about Extended DISC®, according to Kristine, is that it is a flexible tool.

The start-up of the process has also been easy and with positive consequences, as the support from HR Solutions has been very good and professional. According to Kristine, you get help immediately over the phone when you need it. The process start-up has also had a positive impact on the employees because they can watch and see what they can change to improve sales and service. Kristine continues and explains that Extended DISC® has contributed to the progress in the department:" I feel it's a good solution we can use in our daily work."

It's a solution she would recommend to others who need an easy and effective tool.

Kristine Bach Feldt

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