At HR Solutions, we specialise in DISC profiles and personality analyses, among other things. For many years, we have offered work with behaviour and the preparation of person analyses and certification courses in Extended DISC. What these have in common is that a detailed report of the results can be produced.

The results of a DISC analysis tell us about a person's behaviour, motivation, communication and teamwork. Therefore, these DISC analyses are often used as part of the recruitment process or when putting together teams in the company.

What can I do with a Mini DISC Profile?

As something new, we have introduced a Mini DISC profile. It is, as the name suggests, a smaller version of our DISC analyses. Our mini DISC profile still represents the four behavioural styles that the letters in DISC represent:

  • Dominants
  • Influencers
  • Stability
  • Control / Compliance

A mini DISC profile is a shortened version of our DISC profiles - with our mini DISC profile you get a 4-page version of the analysis. Therefore, the analysis is naturally not as in-depth and comprehensive as a full DISC analysis would be. However, the mini DISC profile gives you a good overview of the four behavioural styles.

The mini DISC profile gives you insight into the person:

  • Natural behaviour
  • Strengths
  • Motivation areas

Why get a DISC profile?

A DISC analysis or DISC profile is an effective tool for communication and understanding a person's behaviour. In addition, it gives the person increased self-awareness, and based on this, the person can be better equipped to handle conflicts, work in teams, communicate with others.

A DISC profile is useful for both the individual and the organisation. The individual gains increased self-awareness and can be better equipped to handle pressurised or stressful situations. Conversely, organisations can use the personal profile to build effective teams, find the right candidate for a position and general employee development.

See what the DISC profile contains

In addition to introducing our mini DISC profile, we now also give you the opportunity to see what this type of personal profile contains. You can order a demo of our mini DISC profileso you can see what you can expect from this personal profile test. This DISC profile demo is of course completely free for you to receive.

Different types of DISC profiles

There are different types of DISC analyses and DISC profiles. At HR Solutions, we specialise in Extended DISC - and for good reason.

While other types of DISC profiles map a person's behaviour in a specific role, Extended DISC covers a person's natural behaviour. Therefore, you get a more nuanced and complete picture of a person through an Extended DISC personality profile.

With an Extended DISC analysis, the reporting can also be customised to focus on the most relevant factors in relation to the person's role or job description.

If you would like to know more about our (mini) DISC profiles, please contact us by phone 70 26 32 25 or send an email to You can also fill out the contact form below.

And remember that you can also order a demo of our mini DISC profile on this page.
