HR solutions for all industries and organisations

HR Solutions has solutions and systems for all businesses and organisations in all industries. We are a well-established company that has been developing and delivering HR solutions since 2005, including tools for:

  • Employee and leadership development
  • Recruitment
  • HR system - the entire process
  • Situational Leadership
  • Digital signing of contracts
  • Storage of employee data
  • Implementation of MAS / MUS
  • HRM - Nordic dealer
  • Team composition and development
  • Certification course

25.000 +

Completed person analyses in 2019

400 +

customers in the Nordics

1000 +

users of the HR system


Time saving with the recruitment system

People profiles and analyses

Use personality analyses and personality tests to develop employees and managers 


Certification course

Get certified in ... we also offer virtual/online certification courses


Situational leadership

Situational leadership is one of the leading tools for developing leaders around the world.


HRM Nordic HR system

Our HR system is a modular system where you can put together the modules your organisation needs.

See how it works

Want to know more about the HR system from HRM-Nordic, the people analyses and tests, the certification courses or the other HR solutions? Sign up for one of the online presentations. We have ongoing online presentations where the different solutions are presented, and you can also ask questions along the way. Participation is non-binding and free of charge. The presentations take approximately 1 hour. See upcoming presentations in the table here:

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The latest news

Ny praktikant i IT-sikkerhed

New intern in IT security

The holidays are over and Hang has joined us as an intern in IT Security. Hang will be here for 10 weeks, where her responsibility will be to conduct IT tests and Awareness IT tests. In addition, she will be responsible for describing and following up on ISO-27001, preparing...

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Det anbefaler vi til rekruttering

What we recommend for recruitment

With an account on FinxS, you get access to over 80 different reports at no extra cost. Therefore, the following is also based only on a behavioural analysis and a business test. So it's not about a new report or payment for each one. In short, no...

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Forhandlingsledelse som en vigtig færdighed

Negotiation management as an essential skill

Negotiation management is an important skill in many professional contexts. And understanding the DISC behavioural styles can play a crucial role in the effectiveness of negotiations. Here's a brief overview of how each DISC style can typically influence and contribute to...

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Want to know more?

Get in touch if you want to know more about the solutions or if you need help! We're ready to help you with advice on which solutions are best suited to your organisation.

Feel free to call +45 70 26 32 25, send an email to or use this form:
