The DISC model is a widely used tool used in large and small organisations. The DISC model is a personality analysis model used to map a person's patterns of action and behaviour. The DISC analysis provides a description of our behaviour, including how we act and react in stressful situations, and maps a person's driving force, strengths and limitations.

As a DISC profile provides an accurate description of a person's personality type and work behaviour, it is beneficial for recruitment, leadership development, employee development and team building, where it can help increase motivation, well-being and development.

However, a DISC profile can also be used in a wide range of other areas that can benefit most organisations. One of these areas is sales training, as DISC profiles can greatly benefit your company's salespeople and strengthen their sales skills.

DISC 18 profile for use in the sales department

Sales is one of the most important areas for businesses and is crucial to a company's success. Without sales, most businesses wouldn't be able to survive. That's why many companies have one or more salespeople who are responsible for generating revenue through sales. DISC 18 gives you feedback on salesperson motivation in 18 selected sales success areas.

For your business to succeed, however, it requires skilled salespeople who can communicate to and with different types of customers and who are able to sell the product regardless of the customer. This can be quite a challenge and requires the salesperson to build a good relationship with the customer. A good salesperson needs to understand how people act and react to different inputs and be able to communicate in different ways depending on the type of customer.

A DISC 18 profile can help with this. The DISC model, which represents the four behavioural styles: Dominance, Influence, Stability and Compliance, can be used by salespeople to strengthen their self-awareness. By doing a DISC analysis, the salesperson can gain insight into themselves and their own behavioural patterns. When you have an understanding of yourself, it is easier to understand the person you are facing.

How DISC 18 profiles can be used for sales training

Brug DISC profiler til at forstå kunden

The mistake many salespeople make in a sales situation is that they are so intent on getting their message across that they don't take into account the type of person they are dealing with. With a DISC profile, your salespeople can use the understanding they build about themselves to become better at reading other people's personality types and behaviour. This way, your salespeople can optimise their communication to take the customer's behavioural style into account. DISC 18 provides insight into 18 areas directly related to sales. You can therefore see your salespeople's motivation in the 18 sales areas. DISC 18 can be combined with the Sales Competence Assessment which gives you answers to the person's mindset and competence in sales.

The four behavioural styles or personality types above have different behaviours and act and react differently. Therefore, it is also important that the salesperson communicates differently to each of the four different personality types.

Depending on the type of customer the salesperson is facing, they need to be able to change their own behaviour and communication style when entering into a relationship with them. By adjusting communication based on the customer's behaviour and personality type, the salesperson is more likely to get their message across and make a sale.

This way, your organisation can use DISC profiles for sales training and you can help your salespeople strengthen their communication skills and make them better equipped to handle the different types of customers in a sales situation.

Get an Extended DISC certification

If you want your business to succeed, there's a lot you can do to ensure your sales team has the right tools in their toolbox to handle any situation and any type of customer.

At HR Solution, you can get an Extended DISC certification that provides your company with the necessary resources to optimise customer relationships and provide sales training to your salespeople so they can become more proficient and generate even more sales and growth for your company.

If you are interested in learning more about the different options we offer within Extended DISC certification or DISC profiles, please contact us at 70 26 32 25 or You can also read much more about the different types of Extended DISC here.
