A healthy and good working environment is important in all companies and organisations. A good working environment creates greater job satisfaction and motivation, better well-being and greater satisfaction among employees. It also means that a good working environment can help reduce sick leave and increase employee productivity.

For most companies and organisations, it can therefore also be a good idea to conduct major employee surveys and well-being surveys to ensure that there is a healthy and good working environment in the company or organisation.

Why it's a good idea to conduct employee surveys

Larger employee surveys and wellbeing surveys can help shed light on what areas are important for the organisation to address to ensure a healthy work environment with good wellbeing and high employee satisfaction. With these surveys, management can take the temperature of the workplace and identify any issues that need to be addressed.

All Danish companies and organisations with employees must also carry out a written workplace assessment (APV). The purpose of a WPA is to assess the company's working environment to identify any mental or physical issues. If there are any issues that need to be addressed, the company must create a concrete action plan to solve these challenges.

How to conduct workplace assessments and employee satisfaction surveys

At HR Solutions, you can use our Survey The solution provides help with the preparation of major surveys such as workplace assessments and well-being surveys. The solution includes setting up the questionnaire, testing the questionnaire, conducting surveys and presenting the test results for the department in question or for the specific focus area you want to measure.

It's all done online, making it quick and easy for employees to complete the questions, while also making it easier to get an overview of the different test results.

Surveys can be based on a standard questionnaire, or we can help you create a customised questionnaire to suit the needs of your company or organisation. Our surveys can also be used in many different ways and in many different areas.

Among other things, our surveys can be used for:

  • Measuring and assessing employee satisfaction in different focus areas
  • Analysing and mapping action areas to improve well-being
  • Investigating isolated focus areas such as motivation, safety, ergonomics or leadership
  • Conducting a workplace assessment by setting up online questionnaires for employees to complete

With our surveys, it's possible to differentiate the questions so that different departments or teams only get questions that are relevant to them. You can read more about our survey solution here.


What to remember when doing workplace assessments and well-being surveys

When major studies such as workplace assessments and well-being surveys are carried out, the company gains a factual basis and a more accurate picture of the employees' assessment of the working environment. The company can use this to make decisions and create concrete action plans aimed at improving the various focus areas and thus strengthening the working environment in the company.

As an APV is mandatory by law, it has some specific requirements in that it must include the following five phases:

  • Mapping the overall work environment in the organisation
  • Description and assessment of issues related to the work environment
  • Inclusion of sick leave in the organisation
  • Prioritised solutions to occupational health and safety problems and an action plan for them
  • Guidelines for following up on the plan

If you are conducting a survey other than an APV, you should be clear about what you want to investigate and why you want to investigate it. This can help create a basis for which themes and focus areas the survey should shed light on.

It is therefore also important that the surveys do not stand alone, but that the company considers these surveys as part of a long-term strategy aimed at creating a healthy and good working environment. If there are specific focus areas that need to be improved, it can also be a good idea to follow up on them regularly.

Med HRM-Nordic Measure the company can easily and quickly follow up on the different focus areas on an ongoing basis, which helps to ensure that the different areas are addressed.

We help with your organisation's internal investigations

At HR Solutions, you can get help with workplace assessments, well-being surveys and other internal surveys that can help you gain greater insight into how your employees rate the workplace. You can use the surveys to create different focus areas to increase employee well-being, motivation and satisfaction.

If you want to know more about how you can use surveys in your organisation, or if you are interested in getting the opportunity to use our surveys in your company, please contact us. Call us at 70 26 32 25 or send us an email at info@hrsolutions.dk.
