As a new feature, we have introduced virtual certification courses in Extended DISC Basic and vocational testing (cognitive testing). This means that you can get certified without leaving your desk as the certification courses are held online.

The content of a virtual course is the same as a physical certification, and prior to the actual certification course, you must complete an e-learning course and a test (depending on the course).

How a virtual certification in vocational testing works

Our virtual certification courses in vocational testing are completed in three steps. The first step is the completion of an e-learning course consisting of 7 lessons and a final test. The seven lessons are continuously supplemented with various practice exercises.

The e-learning course can be completed at your own pace and at your own time. There are no restrictions on how much you can walk to and from the course. With your login, you can simply continue where you left off. However, the final test in the e-learning programme must be completed before the virtual certification.

Prior to the certification days, you must complete a vocational test yourself. You will also need to find three others to take the test. The results from these tests are used for your own training and will form the basis for the feedback that will be given as part of the certification itself.

The virtual certification takes place on set days, spread over three sessions, each lasting approximately 2 hours. In between sessions, there will be some assignments to help create the best starting point for learning.

During the sessions, there will also be tasks that you will have to solve together with the other participants. There will be a maximum of 5 participants per team.

The topics for the three sessions are 1) review and understanding of the 9 cognitive tests, 2) interpretation of results and subtest selection, and finally 3) feedback and certification.

You can read more about our virtual certification in vocational testing here.

How to perform a virtual certification in Extended DISC Basic

The structure of the virtual certification in Extended DISC Basic is similar to the structure of the virtual certification in vocational testing, as described above.

The first step in this certification course is therefore also e-learning. There are three modules to complete, which will also include various exercises along the way. The e-learning course ends with a test that must be completed prior to the certification days.

The second step of the certification course is that you have to complete a personality analysis yourself - and in addition, you also have to find three guinea pigs who also complete their own personality analyses.

Finally, there are the certification days themselves. There are a total of 5 virtual sessions, each lasting approximately two hours. The content of the virtual sessions includes a review of DISC behaviour, interpretation of the profiles, exercises based on the completed tests, feedback to participants and finally a final exam.

You can read much more about our virtual certification in Extended DISC Basic here.

Benefits of virtual certification courses

Bliv uddannet med virtuel undervisningThere are many advantages to virtual certification courses. One of the clear advantages is that they can be completed wherever you are. It doesn't matter if you're in the office or in your living room - as long as you have an internet connection, you can participate.

The fact that you can attend from anywhere also means you can save time and money. No more travelling time - and you can also save money on transport to and from the course location.

There are also plenty of opportunities to interact with the other participants and ask questions during the training. This ensures that you learn as much as possible. This is a clear advantage compared to e-learning, where you don't have the same live interaction with the teacher or other participants.

Disadvantages of virtual certification courses

Some of the disadvantages of virtual certification courses are that the virtual sessions take place at set times when you have to attend. This makes it less flexible compared to e-learning, where you control when you want to complete the different sessions. However, we have chosen to keep the individual sessions to around 2 hours, so they are broken up into manageable chunks.

Another disadvantage is that it's easier for many people to remain passive in the training. That's why we've included small exercises and collaboration with the other participants so that everyone feels that they are an active part of the training - and so that everyone has the opportunity to contribute with their knowledge and experience.

Want to get certified?

Would you like to join one of our virtual courses? Then keep an eye out for course calendar to see the upcoming virtual certification courses. You are also welcome to contact us if you have any questions or want to learn more. Call us by phone 70 26 32 25 or send an email to
