There's no doubt that the Corona crisis has meant that we've all had to think differently and get used to different habits. Few people can say that the crisis hasn't affected them to a greater or lesser extent.

At HR Solutions, we have organised many certification courses in both Occupational Testing and DISC profiles over the years. These courses have so far required physical attendance on the certification days. In January this year, however, we changed focus and started offering the certification courses with virtual training.

More flexibility with virtual certification courses

Our increased focus on virtual certification courses and virtual training was first and foremost a step forward to keep up with digital developments. In addition, virtual courses and training also provide a much greater flexibility that we are happy to be able to offer our students; there is no need to set aside time for transport, you can complete the course from home or from the workplace - and you also get the synergy effect of being able to spar with your fellow students.

The Corona crisis has meant that we have stepped on the accelerator even more when it comes to virtual certification courses. In early March, you could read about our Virtual certifications in vocational testing and Extended DISC Basicbut we've quickly added Extended DISC Advanced Training to our range of virtual courses - and more are on the way!

Strengthen your skills from the home office

Virtuel undervisningThese days, many Danes have set up a home office and are working from home. However, some industries have been heavily affected by the national lockdown brought on by the Corona crisis. As a result, some industries are also experiencing a reduction in their workloads.

Therefore, this is the perfect time for many to strengthen their competences, which can strengthen the company even more when we reach the other side of the Corona crisis. That's why we continue to hold our certification courses - all our courses that previously required physical attendance have moved online instead.

Not sure what you get out of our (virtual) certification courses?

We currently offer the following virtual certification courses:

  • Vocational test
  • Extended DISC Basic
  • Extended DISC Advanced Training

Vocational test

Vocational testing consists of 9 cognitive tests that provide insight into a person's work speed and margin of error. The 9 cognitive tests include understanding logical processes, understanding the social context, memory tests and text comprehension.

In the certification course, you will gain greater insight into and understanding of the different types of intelligence and their interrelationships. You will learn how to interpret and give feedback to the analysed person, and you will be better equipped for employee development and recruiting the right person for the job.

Extended DISC Basic & Advanced Training

Extended DISC is a personality analysis that provides a nuanced picture of the focus person's conscious and unconscious behaviour. With a DISC profile, you gain greater insight and knowledge about how to best communicate with the focal person, what motivates the focal person, and how different personality types can be combined into an effective team.

Extended DISC Advanced Training is a superstructure for Extended DISC Basicwhere you get the opportunity to go even more in-depth with this type of persona analysis. There is a special focus on the interpretation task.

Extended DISC can be used for both employee development and recruitment, just like occupational testing. With knowledge from both occupational testing and DISC, you can get a very nuanced picture of the focus person - the different tests and analyses complement each other well.

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more about our virtual certification courses, please contact us by phone 70 26 32 25 or send an email to
