Over the past six months, Jobcenter Randers has been working seriously on a new way of advising and coaching their unemployed job candidates to ensure a better way back into the labour market in a field they are well placed to succeed in, thereby ensuring a better match between unemployed job candidate and company. Among other things, this has been done with the help of a competency analysis, which reveals the areas in which the job candidate has non-self-perceived competences to bring into play, for example in relation to a change of industry or upskilling. The analysis can also point out which areas may be more challenging for the person in question, and it is based on nine areas and therefore covers the entire competence spectrum.

16 job and recruitment consultants have been trained to be able to read and interpret the results of the analysis and provide guidance to the job candidate for job purposes. Their experience of working with the analysis is described as follows by those certified in FinxS Competence Analysis: "It provides value for the job candidate. The job candidate experiences a very high level of satisfaction. In addition, it is expressed that the certification has given new job and recruitment consultants more knowledge and better understanding in relation to the job candidate."

After the trial period with certifications of unemployed citizens in Randers Municipality, the solution has now been implemented and is being used daily. However, it is not only benefiting job candidates in Randers;

"The knowledge we have already gained will also be useful in the business consultants' daily dialogue and sparring with the Randrusian business community. With a focus on the good match, it's important to take a holistic view of the recruitment task. If there is no available candidate who professionally matches a company's needs, we can analyse which job candidates have the skills to be successful in the job despite any lack of professional skills. This knowledge is definitely important in our dialogue with companies." says Tine Arensbach, Head of Job Centre Randers Erhverv.
