This spring, we experienced for the first time how we all had to learn new habits and adapt to working from home. Many companies were also forced to think in new and different ways to get through the crisis. At HR Solutions, we also changed our focus this spring and started offering virtual certification courses so that our students could complete the courses at home.

Many companies are still affected by the Corona crisis, and with the new restrictions recently introduced by the government, many employees have either been sent home or sent back to work from home. For some, this may mean that there are fewer tasks to do, and therefore the need to be able to strengthen your competences without being physically present has once again become highly relevant.

We offer 4 virtual certification courses

Since spring, we have been running three different virtual certification courses with great success. However, since then we have added another virtual certification course and now offer a total of four virtual certification courses that can help you strengthen your competences while you are deployed or working from home.

The four virtual certification courses we offer are:

  • Vocational test/ cognitive test
  • Extended DISC Basic
  • Extended DISC Advanced Training
  • Sales Competence Assessment

Vocational test/cognitive test

Vocational testing is a cognitive test or tool consisting of 9 subtests used to provide insight into a person's ability to reason and think in larger contexts. Our virtual certification in vocational testing can thus help you gain a greater insight into the different types of intelligence and the connections between them.

Occupational testing can be used for recruitment purposes, but also for employee development, as you gain a better understanding of a person's abilities and learn how to assess them in relation to important competences in work contexts.

Extended DISC Basic

Extended DISC Basic is a people analytics tool that gives you greater insight into a person's behaviour. With this tool, you can gain a better understanding of different personality types and behavioural styles, and gain insight into the behaviour and motivation of each employee. You can use this to determine how to communicate most effectively with each employee.

Among other things, a DISC profile can be used for recruiting new employees, team composition, employee development and sales training. It can also be used for conflict management and leadership development.


Extended DISC Advanced Training

Extended DISC Advanced Training is an extended course for those who are already certified in Extended DISC Basic. In this certification course, you will learn more about how to interpret the different DISC profiles. In addition, the course will focus on how different factors influence employee behaviour, decisions and communication.

With this course, you will have the opportunity to delve even deeper into the theory of persona analysis and gain a deeper understanding of the behavioural styles of different persona types.

Sales Competence Assessment

Sales Competence Assessment is our latest certification course. The Sales Competence Assessment is a sales assessment or sales test used to analyse a salesperson's strengths and development areas across 18 different competencies. In this way, the sales test can be used to develop a salesperson's sales competences.

In the virtual certification course, you will learn about the 18 sales skills and the mindsets that precede a sale. This can be used to gain a greater understanding of the different sales styles and to develop strategies to improve the sales performance of your salespeople.

Benefits of virtual certification

There are several advantages to taking a certification course virtually. Our virtual certification courses are always live, which makes it possible to create an interaction between participants and instructor. All our virtual certifications are also divided into multiple sessions, where participants are given assignments between sessions. This ensures better learning and allows participants to reflect on what they have learnt.

Virtual certification allows participants to get certified while sitting at their workplace or home office, saving the organisation travel costs and overnight stays away from home when attending the certification course.

Finally, virtual certification offers more flexibility. As a participant, you can decide which sessions you can and want to attend and when. However, just like the physical certification programme, you are only certified in each course once you have completed all the sessions in the course.

Sign up for our virtual certification courses

If you are interested in learning more about our virtual certifications, you are welcome to call us on tel: 70 26 32 25 or send us an email at

In our course calendar you can also see when we are holding our virtual certifications in the coming months and enrol in our virtual courses at your convenience.
