DISC profile - an insight into yourself and others

Med en Extended DISC profil, får du ikke bare et indblik i din adfærd. Du får brugbar viden om både din naturlige og tilpassede adfærd. To grafer, der sagtens kan vise sig at være forskellige.

Og det er sådanne faktorer, vi kigger ind i og sparer med dig omkring.

disc profil

One of the world's most recognised tools

A DISC profile can be used in many forms and contexts and is one of the world's most recognised personal profile tools.

Today it is used as a great management tool that can be used to develop yourself and your employees, among other things.


Increased understanding of human behaviour and motivation


4 overall behavioural styles


Use the tool when working with recruitment, team development, communication, leadership, sales and more

What is a DISC profile?

A DISC profile is a report based on a DISC analysis. The person has answered a number of questions about themselves and from these answers, a DISC profile has been generated.

The letters D, I, S and C represent the 4 behavioural styles: Dominating, Influent, Stability and Compliance.

We don't believe that we are one or the other. Instead, we believe that we all have a little bit of everything in us.


Would you like to see what a DISC profile can look like? Fill out the form below and we will send you a demo report:

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    disc profil

    disc profile - Things to remember

    • No behavioural styles is better or worse than others
    • All behavioural styles have both strengths and challenges. They just happen to be different.
    • Your behaviour is not limiting, what you can accomplish or how successful you can be. Quite simply, it predicts, how to You tend to do things.
    • As mentioned, very few people have only one dominant behaviour. We typically have 2 or 3 dominant behaviours.

    Contact Per and the rest of the team on tel: +45 70 26 32 25 or fill in the contact form


      Hr Solutions ApS

      Østergade 4, 2nd floor

      8370 Hadsten

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