Situational leadership trainer training programme

Situationsbestemt ledelse

Become a certified trainer

Become a certified trainer in Situational Leadership, the world's most recognised leadership programme. Over 11 million people have already experienced it, and now you have the opportunity to be a part of it. In just 3 days, you can develop your leadership skills, understand different approaches to target audiences and gain an effective tool for training and employee development.


Situationsbestemt ledelse
Situationsbestemt ledelse
Situationsbestemt ledelse

For those who want to train and educate others

This programme is designed for those who want to train and educate others in one of the world's most recognised leadership tools. You will be equipped with the necessary tools to communicate the theory combined with practical knowledge to trainers, managers and coaches.

Dr Paul Hersey developed this recognisable model in the 1960s with the aim of increasing productivity through tailored communication and support for different tasks and different individuals."

What you get with you

Situational leadership gives managers the tools they need to target and analyse the right amount of guidance and support in any situation. The ability to recognise this is crucial for a leader in their daily work to achieve results and ensure employee safety. The demand for skilled and effective leaders at all levels of the organisation is constantly increasing. With situational leadership, managers are better equipped to handle their leadership role.

Situationsbestemt ledelse

Situational Leadership equips leaders with the tools to effectively target and analyse the amount of guidance and support required in a given situation. Keeping this in mind is essential in a leader's daily life in order to get people to perform and feel confident in a given situation. The demand for skilled and effective leaders at all levels of the organisation is only increasing. Situational Leadership equips leaders to better fulfil their leadership role.

The training programme 

The programme includes short theoretical presentations and many practical exercises interspersed with video clips and games. You'll gain a more in-depth understanding of how to approach different target groups. You will receive training in the use of video material in teaching situations and develop your own leadership competences. There will also be a strong focus on feedback on your own performance throughout the programme.

You will have access to instructor manuals, materials and exercises throughout the programme, which can of course be used after the course.

Step 1 - Course

You will attend an open two-day programme where you will learn about different audiences and presentation styles, as well as review trainer material.

Step 2 - Certification process

You will participate in a certification course organised by Situational Leadership ® in Denmark in collaboration with Situational Services Nordic AB.

Step 3 - Approval

A master trainer in Situational Leadership will be present to observe and approve the certification. This person is present on day 1, 2 or 3.

After the certification

To ensure that the trainer remains qualified to teach Situational Leadership® to others, the trainer is required to complete a minimum of 4 two-day training sessions during the licence period to maintain the routine.

Gene certification

The trainer licence is valid for 2 years at a time, after which it must be renewed. Always in conjunction with a company agreement.

These requirements are set to ensure a consistently high level for all Situational Leadership® trainers so that the quality of their training is at the desired level and in line with the requirements of the Situational Leadership standards.

Situationsbestemt ledelse

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    HR Solutions

     If you want to know more about our solutions or need help, contact us! We are ready to help you and advise you on which solutions are best for your organisation. You'll hear from us within 24 hours on weekdays.

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    8370 Hadsten


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