In today's complex and dynamic work environment, understanding people's personality profiles and behaviours is crucial to success. One of the most effective approaches to achieving this understanding is through the Extended DISC methodology. Extended DISC is a tool that helps organisations identify, understand and adapt to employee behavioural patterns in work-related situations.  

What is Extended DISC? 

Extended DISC stands for "Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness" and is a personality profiling method that helps uncover how individuals behave and react in the work environment. Extended DISC builds on the DISC model but extends it to provide a more nuanced understanding of human behaviour. 

Extended DISC classifies individuals into four main categories - keep in mind that very few people have pure D, I, S or C in them - we all have a combination of something, but you can easily be high on C for example:  

  • Dominance (D): This refers to people who are determined, decisive and focused on results. They are often decisive and prefer to take control of situations. 
  • Influence (I): Individuals in this category are social and outgoing. They are good at communicating, motivating and influencing others. They often seek to build relationships and thrive in team-based environments. 
  • Steadiness (S): People with this profile are calm, patient and stable. They are good at maintaining harmony and thrive in situations where persistence and co-operation are needed. 
  • Conscientiousness (C): This refers to people who are accurate, detail-orientated and systematic. They thrive in structured environments and prioritise precision and quality. 


How does Extended DISC work? 

The Extended DISC tool works by asking individuals to answer a series of questions in a personality test. The results from the test are used to generate a personality profile that places the individual on a scale within the four main categories (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness). The results are not a fixed description, but rather a dynamic view of how the person reacts in different situations and contexts. 

But why is Extended DISC important in the world of work? 

Extended DISC is an invaluable resource for organisations and individuals for several reasons: 

  • Improves communication: By understanding your own and others' personality profiles, employees can improve their communication skills. This makes it easier to adapt communication style to the recipient and minimise conflict. 
  • Conflict resolution: Extended DISC allows you to identify potential conflicts before they arise. By understanding how different personalities react, organisations can manage conflict more effectively and create a more harmonious work environment. 
  • Recruitment and team composition: By using the Extended DISC tool, organisations can better match candidates with the requirements and cultures that fit their teams and company. This can result in more effective and harmonious work groups. 
  • Personal and professional development: Extended DISC helps individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses and areas for development. This is essential for personal and professional growth. 


So just to recap...  

Extended DISC is a powerful method for understanding personality profiles and behaviour in the world of work. By identifying how different personalities react in different situations, organisations and individuals can improve communication, minimise conflict and create more effective work groups. It's a valuable resource in today's complex and dynamic work environment that can help achieve success on both individual and organisational levels. 
