Extended DISC® 200 Behaviour card

A solution that can be used in a myriad of contexts - for example in team exercises

You get the following benefits

  • Recognition of the four basic behavioural styles - both in the individual participant and their perception of the other group members
  • Increased self-awareness to adapt your behaviour to the group
  • Increased understanding of other people so that own behaviour can be adapted to the target group
  • Increased understanding of the other party in a conflict situation
  • Improvement in communication
  • Activity in training courses that results in better learning
  • Ice breaker in e.g. recruitment or development interviews

Areas of application

The cards can be used as an activity during training courses or as part of recruitment or development interviews
When it comes to conflict resolution, the cards can help keep the conversation on a neutral ground.


200 credit-sized cards with short positive statements about the four basic behavioural styles.

  • 50 cards (red) with positive statements about the D-style
  • 50 kort (gule) med positive udsagn om I-stilen
  • 50 cards (green) with positive statements about the S-style
  • 50 cards (blue) with positive statements about the C-style

How to

Option 1:

  • Training with a group
  • Distribute 12 cards (3 of each colour) to each participant
  • Participants must distribute the cards to the other participants who they think match the descriptions on the cards.

Option 2:

  • Training with a group
  • Distribute 12 cards (3 of each colour) to each participant
  • Let participants keep the cards that they think describe themselves
  • They must distribute the rest of the cards to the other participants who they think match the descriptions on the cards.
  • It is important that participants keep the two piles of cards clearly separated (1 pile with their own description + 1 pile with the others' description (received cards))

Option 3:

  • Recruitment or outplacement interview
  • Select a maximum of 20 cards (equal number of each colour) that match the tasks the candidate has to solve
  • Let the candidate prioritise 4-5 cards that are considered important to solve the task
  • This is followed by a dialogue about how motivating the cards are for the candidate.


To use Extended DISC Behavioural Cards, a certification in Extended DISC Basic is required.

kr. 1,195,00

Extended DISC® 200 Adfærdskort

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