Extended DISC® Recruitment Card

You get the following benefits

Ice breaker for the recruitment interview and a soft way for the candidate to start the conversation.
Easy identification of the candidate's behavioural preferences and thus motivational factors that can be compared with the critical job factors.

Areas of application

Used in the recruitment interview, where you have a concrete tool to start the dialogue. Such a tool often makes it easier for the candidate to start talking about themselves. It also allows the interviewer to assess the candidate more quickly.


40 laminated credit card-sized cards with adjectives describing job-related behavioural traits.
- 10 cards describing the D-style (red)
- 10 cards describing the I-style (yellow)
- 10 cards that describe the S-style (green)
- 10 cards that describe the C style (blue)

How to

The cards can be used so that the candidate prioritises them according to their own perception, or according to how they think former colleagues or managers perceive them.


To use Extended DISC® recruitment cards, a certification in Extended DISC® Basic is required

kr. 249,00

Extended DISC® Rekrutteringskort

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