Virtual Extended DISC

Certification (Basic)

The certification in Extended DISC Basic is for you who want a useful HR tool that on 5 x 2 hours online DISC certification gives you an increased understanding of other people and a better use of resources in the organization.

The purpose is to strengthen your own and your organization’s HR competencies through interpretation of personal analyzes, behavioral features from the individual behavioral styles in DISC, and how to communicate most effectively to them.

With our DISC certification, you will thus be trained in the interpretation of the different DISC person types, the people’s driving force and behavioral traits, as well as how to best communicate to the different person types.

In the DISC certification, we will also focus on the different types of energy consumption and feeling of pressure as well as the good questions for the person based on the person’s natural and conscious behavior.

In the DISC certification, individual consideration will be given to which future areas of application you wish to use DISC in. Personal feedback is also given on your own DISC analysis, which can help to give you increased self-insight and greater understanding of the different types of people in DISC.


What is DISC and Extended DISC certification

DISC is a tool for compiling personal profiles and analyzing the behavioral style of different types of people. DISC provides insight into and greater understanding of individuals’ conscious and unconscious behavior in different situations, their strengths, as well as what motivates, pressures and stresses them.

Extended DISC is thus a tool you can use to develop your organization’s well-being and motivation through greater insight into your own and your employees’ behavior.

The tool can also be used in the recruitment process, so that the right employee is selected and the chance of incorrect employment is reduced. With a DISC certification, you get an overview of both the natural and adapted behavior of the different types of people in DISC in specific situations.

In addition, you gain greater self-insight into your own person type as well as an increased understanding of other people.

You will learn to interpret and give feedback on the Extended DISC profile to the analyzed person and recognize the behavioral traits that characterize the individual behavioral styles. Among other things, this can be used to streamline recruitment, target communication within the organization and improve the use of resources.


What can a DISC certification be used for

DISC is a popular and effective tool used by many companies and organizations to create a greater understanding of other people and to strengthen the workplace by improving and developing the communication, well-being and motivation of employees.

Extended DISC certification (basic) can therefore also be used in a wide range of different areas such as:

  • Training in communication and understanding of people
  • Customer analyzes
  • Job analysis

Want to see what an Extended DISC report might look like? Fill out the form below and we will send you a demo report:

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    Your Extended DISC Certification

    Extended DISC Basic is used by managers, internal HR employees and external consultants. Our flexible reporting options allow you to pull exactly the report that suits your needs. This way, you can be sure that the DISC report fits the applications in which you want to use DISC.

    At the DISC certification, there is a strong focus on making everyone feel welcome and ready to bid with relevant experiences and in-depth questions. Therefore, our team is also at a maximum of 8 people to maintain the presence and contact, so everyone gets the chance to be heard.

    After your Basic certification we offer you Extended DISC Advanced, Extended DISC Team og Extended DISC Advanced Team.

    The course with a DISC certification (Basic) consists of 3 steps:

    Step 1: E-learning

    The e-learning course consists of 3 modules + 1 test. The modules are divided into lessons with exercises in between. The final test must be passed before the certification days. The e-learning course can be completed at your own pace, so you can log on and off as many times as you like.

    Step 2: Person analysis

    Before the DISC certification days, you must complete and have three “rabbits” to complete a personal analysis. The analyzes will be used practically in a number of different contexts – including recruitment, feedback and development.

    Step 3: Certification

    At the DISC certification days, there will be a focus on the theory behind Extended DISC, which enables you to interpret personal analyzes and provide feedback to the analyzed person. The certification days end with a feedback that you must complete with satisfactory results, cf. our ethical rules.

    Do you want to know more?

    If you want to know more about our solutions, or if you need help, contact us! We are ready to help you and advise you on which solutions are best for your organization. You will hear from us within 24 hours on weekdays.
